Kalaulah dia x muncul time tu... pada masa yg tepat...
Mesti aku da 'jatuh ke dlm gaung kesedihan yg pling dlm' and pehal aku guna ayat gile jiwang ni?
Tp seriously... betul apa aku ckp.. mungkin aku bagi peluang dekat dia pasal dia muncul pada masa dan tempat yg tepat.. lantakla.. pasal untuk jatuh cinta... ada byak sebb yg leh buat kita jatuh cinta pada seseorang.
For me, he my savior... someone who make me feel alive again... wash away all my pain... and bring back my smile.. someone that i want hold on to.. someone that make me dare to dream of the future... someone... that i give permission to ruin me.. erk.. i mean.. i dont know...
With him, i lose control of my heart beat and my mind... And seriously it annoying me.. I never let myself lose to any guy.. I always make sure that i have compete control of myself... so, if the guy leave me.. i still can stand up by myself...
But with him... for the first time of my life... i lose control of everything.. my heart, my mind, my breath and my everything (teringat lagu my everything).. Seriously.. i was taken away by a person that younger than me... -benam kepala dlm tanah-
Yeah, mmg aku pernah bercinta byk kali sebelm ni... tp this is first time i completely fell in love with a guy... Someone that manage make me forgot bout my pain and my past... and for the first time i want him just to myself... no sharing sharing... me terajang if ada perempuan nak pikat dia... He mine!
Seriously... sebelum ni aku x peduli pun if my BF nak msj me ke, nak jumpa ke, pasal aku independent and mostly all my previous BF belajar luar negara... so nak tak nak aku kena independent and selalu x contact... but with this one is different.. aku rasa macam nak menyewa jer sebelah uma dia.... leh masakkan utk dia ^^.. and why think what i wanna do make me like a stalker...
Urghh!!!! nampaknyer.. kali ini.. aku btl2 da termakan sumpahan sendiri.. xkan jatuh cinta kat mamat muka melayu (jap dia tu muka bangla... hahaha-piaked-) and takkan completely fall in love with anybody,... arghh!!!!!! tak adil!!! benci benci benci!!!!!
Anyway... aku x tau dia ingt lg ke x... but this one... me screen shot dr blog dia... hahahah
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My Beloved dream date when he teenager..(2 years ago kot) |
1. Panjat pokok - my fav.. tp dia reti ke panjat?? hahaha
2. ermmmm... ajak g Border pun k gak...
3. Adventure apa yer??? if ikki dgn me... and if we dok dekat2... mmg kena heret la dgn aku
4. Hahahahaha... da lama x buat.. dulu selalu buat masa kecil2
5. Buat cerita fiction sesama quite nice... tp gaduh jer kang -.-
6. Erkk.. Let juz skip this part
7. Prank?? Rasanyer da selalu buat
8. Pernah buat dgn kawan ppuan... dgn BF x pernah lg
9. Ermmm... Leh kot... tp gamble jer la
10. Kidnap him and go to any city... I prefer Malacca
11. Erkkkk!!! Tak nak!!!! Masa kecil da selalu buat... too scary my kokoro cant take it...
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